A story and pictures, a shared time reading aloud, it all starts with a book
What better gift for a child than a book?
A story and pictures, a shared time reading aloud, it all starts with a book, and all that it contains… a story of familiar things, to relate to, or a story of fantastical things to stir the imagination. A story to show how others live and think, to teach empathy while entertaining, because a book doesn’t have to be factual to be educational.
A signed book, with a personal message from the author...
This isn't a generic filling in of the child's name; it's a book direct from its creator, signed by the hand that wrote it, taking the time to connect with an individual reader.
Bringing the personal touch of a book signing, to the convenience of online shopping, to find new readers and bring my books to a wider audience than I can ever hope to reach in person. I’ve lost count of the number of books I’ve sold face to face at book signings, (mainly because spreadsheets are not my friend, they give me a headache, and take time away from creative writing). I overcame many hurdles to get to the point where I was stood next a table of my ten self published books, but as in all thing, there is always another hurdle to clear, and that is the art of selling books online, not from the main online outlets, with their unavailable banners and lengthy delivery times, but direct to the readers, from my stock cupboard to your bookcase.