Does a blog post always have to be upbeat and inspirational? Or can it be born out of a wet Wednesday afternoon, sat at a computer trying to find new ways of getting books noticed, so that they don’t sit in a stock cupboard getting restless to tell their stories.
Because restless books may just get up to no good, characters could start escaping, I wonder what would happen if some of the characters from one book were to meet characters from another book…
We've all heard the stories of toys coming to life when nobody's looking.
But gather round and listen if you dare - do you hear them? The rustling covers of books getting restless.
Follow me further into my website - watch your step, there may be unexpected characters running free on the floor...
Books are ok to keep in a locked storeroom right? They’re not volatile or prone to mischief – or are they…?
Come to think about it, books are made up of stories and stories are made up of characters, and characters can be volatile and mischievous…
To be continued…