Friday round up
The life of a self publisher is full of ups and downs, the ups this week being a significant rise in visitors to my website, the downs being that the visitors aren’t buying books… yet!
So what is holding them back? Well that is the question I have to not only answer, but resolve.
So what have I tried so far?
· Set up an online bookshop
· Listed all my books
· Set up a facility to personalise the book signing with name of the recipient
· Added content to my blog, to share the journey and attract visitors
· Posted a picture of a character in an upcoming book in a blog post
· Posted a couple of posts on social media to see if it made a difference to visitor numbers – so far not really…
So what next?
Well that is something for me to ponder over the weekend, so check in on Monday to see what I come up with.
But it’s not all about selling books – there are new books to write, and they’re getting restless…
PS letting the books have their say:
Book is getting tired of waiting for its story. Book knows that a mythical creature called an author is trying very hard to create the perfect story, a new and unique story that has never been told before. But stories can be illusive, preferring to run free, wary of being caught and trapped in a book.
If only they could be reassured that they wouldn’t be trapped forever, just as long as it takes to fill a book, edit it, rewrite it, format it, print it, publish it, get it in front of readers… ok so maybe I can see their point.