I’ve found in the past that when selling face to face, discounting book prices isn’t always a way to increase sales, but...

picture of bookshop front with promo banner

Autumn book promo

I’m still here, still sharing the journey, and this week I’m trying out a discount coupon. I’ve found in the past that when selling face to face, discounting book prices isn’t always a way to increase sales, in fact on one occasion I did a promo discount on my bestselling book, and after not selling any of that book all morning, I put the price back up in the afternoon and it started selling again.

So why am I doing a coupon now? Well after writing the previous paragraph I am beginning to wonder… but in the spirit of trying new things to see what works in an online bookshop, I’m going to give it a go. What is the worst that can happen – someone gets a book at a bargain price? Well that’s not such a bad thing, as it could lead to a happy customer wanting to buy more books in the future, and my shop will be a happy little shop, knowing that it has done a good job and been discovered.

Also I must remember that discounting book prices did serve me well in my early days of doing book signings at craft fairs.

So there is currently a 10% coupon  AUTUMN24  running on all books in my shop, and free shipping is in place, I’m practically giving them away… but I feel that this is better than paying to advertise, as the discount only applies when a book is sold, where as paid advertising doesn’t guarantee any sales at all.

The journey continues, this seems to be an uphill part of the journey, but I’m sure I’ll reach the top at some point, and the view will be… books going out to new homes. 

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