When you think about counting sheep to send yourself off to sleep, I bet you never imagined the sheep getting unruly and running around your bedroom. What you need is a sheepdog, which, as Downboy is quick to point out, is definitely NOT a cross between a sheep and a dog. But these sheep are tired of being rounded up, and two of them are ready to make a stand…
This book has been my best seller at many a book signing, it seems every family has a Lucy, who just won’t go to sleep – some adults will even admit that they used to be a Lucy… but not many.
And if counting sheep can bring about so much chaos, just imagine what writing a book about counting sheep can cause… there were the knitted sheep, who threatened to take over my table at book signings, as well as a lot of the prep time leading up to book signings. There were the random sheep related conversations that I’ve had, as people flip through the book, not to mention all the sheep related gifts I’ve received over the years.
It’s funny but none of my other imaginary book characters have crossed over into my everyday life in quite the same way.