The blank page is a good listener, waiting for something to be written, words thrown like dice across a page

sketched character

Dear Blank Page,

So there we have it, a greeting in place, no longer a blank page, but an open conversation…

The blank page is a good listener, waiting for something to be written, words thrown like dice across a page; words that could form a story, or an article to inform or simply entertain. The possibilities are endless, so maybe the hardest thing is to get started, seize upon one idea and run with it, or meander about a bit and see which ideas clump together.

But wait, who’s this little guy…?


None other than a character from my work in progress, or at least the work in progress before the website became the work in progress. And here lies the dilemma of the self publisher, to get on with the next book, or work on a website and blog to sell the books already published

My blog has mostly been taken up with the setting up of my shop lately, and that has been quite a learning curve, though I must admit that taking the time out to play with a website has been fun. But now the characters are calling for me to work on their illustrations and finish their story, because as the illustrations come together, there’s always a bit of argy bargy, as words and pictures come together, squabbles break out when pictures want to tell bits of the story that the words are already telling, because in a picture book some of the story telling falls to the pictures.  

And so I seem to have meandered around this blank page, and come to the obvious conclusion that I need to get back to working on the story that will be my next book. I’ll be blogging about the progress, and checking in on my bookshop, so if you pop by for a book you’ll probably find my covered in paint but always ready to sign a book and get it sent out to you.

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