...so getting on with the next book and leaving the books and characters unsupervised on the website could lead to them taking matters into their own spines… 

Book with escaping characters

How not to sell a book:

Setting up a website and expecting it to be found, just because it exists is a good way not to sell a book, so getting on with the next book and leaving the books and characters unsupervised on the website could lead to them taking matters into their own spines… With a mixture of characters in my various books, I’m not sure they would all get along if they managed to escape their bindings and run a mock around a website, a bit like siblings, who will always find something to fall out about.

I think Iver No-Idea would be a likely ring leader, with HB, his dog, only adding to the commotion. Of course the books containing cats would have their own ideas about everything, especially Mitzi, who is a mother cat, and sees everyone as her naughty kittens. Ollie would immediately claim all the empty boxes, because, as we all know, boxes make the best toys, and inspire the best games. Add an ex racehorse into the mix, who will spook at the most random things, and a puppy, who may or may not be a cat, and you can see why all these characters need to be kept in their own respective books, firmly held in place by punctuation, and a full stop at the end.

So how to sell a book?

As a self publisher it’s down to me to get my books out there, and as well as book shops and craft fairs, I’ve sold books in some fairly unusual places, from a swimming pool, to the dentist’s chair, but selling from a website is the most challenging so far. But visits and views are on the up, people have been milling around and looking at books, drawn in I believe by thoughtful use of titles and descriptions on my blog posts.

After taking a break from posting links on social media, I’m now starting to post a bit on Instagram and Pinterest, the journey is still evolving, the destination is still book sales.

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