So, I opened a file titled ‘stuff’. It sounded intriguing, what was inside this file? But all I found was a blank page. But just maybe, a blank page is even more intriguing… it’s almost an invitation to set something down, to let whatever might be hanging around have a voice.
I can almost hear the ideas running for cover in the hidden recesses of my subconscious as I let my fingers roam the keys with no actual plan of where to go. But maybe, after they’ve hidden, one brave idea might just peep out and dare to take centre stage… no, I guess not. But I know they’re there, so I’m just going to get on with something else, and pretend not to see as one by one they creep out from their hiding places…
So what now? I’m quite tempted to save as ‘stuff and nonsense’, but that would leave the ‘stuff’ file blank… which quite possibly brings me full circle.