There’s a picture book brewing, the words are in place and I’m submitting to agents with the hope of finding a mainstream publisher for this one.
The illustrations are not yet done, the words bravely stepping out alone into the world, with little more than a covering email to introduce them to potential agents, without even a return to sender option in this brave digital world. Where once a stamped addressed envelope would have brought a story home, now they may never be heard of again.
But the story may get restless… so with that in mind I’m auditioning characters for the story, so these little guys are popping up wherever they think they’ll get noticed: on the chalkboard and in sketchbooks. They’ve appeared in pencil, crayon and chalk, and I think I hear the paint box calling…
Illustrations are quite a force of nature, and tend to burst into a story, causing words to rearrange themselves or even fall out of the story altogether, so each book is an adventure, and adventures can’t always be paused, so while the words are out seeking their fortune, imagination and images are collaborating.