Snow began floating down as I started this blog post, a story of snow and winter sports, of humour in the trials and tribulations of learning to ski.
I couldn't have written this book without first living it.
To have the experience of falling over in a tangle of ski equipment and feeling like a stranded bug in the snow.
To know what it's like to walk in ski boots, with unruly skis and poles sliding off my shoulder.
To be scooped up by a ski lift, and deposited at the top of the ski slope where the options were to ski or fall over.
To learn to snowplough only to hit an unforgiving patch of ice and slide away at the whim of the mountain.
But the exhilaration of when everything came together, snowplough controlling my speed, skis going in the direction I told them, that is the joy that I poured into thisbook, with the added imagination of Iver No-Idea and HB gatecrashing the holiday...