Many of the books are already on the shelves, standing proud, covers to the fore, while others are still being woken up from their boxes, dazzled by the light of day, but getting caught up in...

photo of book signing

To keep typing in the face of fierce resistance from technology requires a lot of patience, but mostly stubbornness!

So if you're reading these few words, know that it took every ounce of patience and stubbornness to get them stick to this little piece of the fragile net. And not only to stick, but to stick out enough to catch attention and get read, because that is the real sticking point for any self publisher, to get our books out to a wider audience.

And why is it so important to make this blog work? Well because I have already put so much of myself into my books, that to fail them by letting them sit unread in their boxes is unthinkable. So my mission is to gain a following on here, to gather a crowd of people around my new bookshop, so that on opening day there will be customers waiting at the door to explore the books and meet the characters held within, and find a book that they simply have to have.


Many of the books are already on the shelves, standing proud, covers to the fore, while others are still being woken up from their boxes, dazzled by the light of day, but getting caught up in the excitement and momentum of the new bookshop, but not just a bookshop, but an online book signing, where each book with be signed and carefully packed to go out into the world. Each order will be personally packed and despatched, in an eye catching package that will definitely get noticed when it pops through the letter box and into a new home.


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