It's open! - there's still a bit of tidying up to do, and is currently on a temporary address, but the website and shop are up and running:
This is the message on the new home page:
Welcome to my website, where you’ll find my brand new bookshop, bringing the personal touch of a book signing, to the convenience and reach of an online bookshop.
My aim is to get books out of boxes and into the hands of readers, and as a self publisher it’s down to me to make that happen. So please have a rummage around and see if I have just the book for you.
Or if you’re here to learn more about self publishing, stick around, because I’ve cleared (jumped, clambered over, gone round under and over) many hurdles to get this far, battling technology, arranging and doing book signings, to name but a few, and I am simply too stubborn to let the enormity of the internet and ecommerce hold me back.
I’ve been looking through and testing out the various options for selling my books online, I’ve already shared this journey on my blog, along with my reasons for pulling away from social media, and decided that a website bookshop is the right way for me and my books. I’ve been getting more visits and views simply by adding content and blog posts to my basic one page website, reaching out into the abyss; this has shown better results than posting on social media, which just results in spam.
So the journey begins… the route may change along the way, but the destination is book sales.