Just write
“Just write something,” said Book. “It doesn’t matter what, we’ll edit it later.”
“OK,” agreed Pencil, setting to work. A mark was made on the paper.
Book looked at the mark on the paper.
Pencil looked at the mark on the paper.
Mark on the paper didn’t move. It didn’t form itself into words or even letters, it was just there…
Suddenly there was a spark in the air, no one could see it, but everyone felt it. It was a crackle, a feeling of excitement…
“My name is Inspiration,” said the spark, “and I’m here to help.”
A cluster of ideas who had been napping, became animated by the new energy that Inspiration had ignited, and some even found that they had a voice. Conversations began to spring up as if from nowhere.
Pencil worked as fast as possible to record the new voices, words flowing effortlessly onto fresh pages, as characters formed and began to interact. Soon there was the start of a story, but just when Pencil was in full swing, there was another crackle in the air. A new group of ideas popped up that had nothing to do with the story being written.
“What’s going on?” asked Pencil.
“Ta-da!” said Inspiration proudly, as the new group of ideas began to leap about, getting in the way of the story already
being written.
The characters who were already gathering in Book protested, as all the attention was diverted to the new ideas.
“Shall I carry on with this story or grab hold of the new one before we lose it?” asked Pencil.
“Carry on with the original story.” said Book.
“Write the new one,” said Inspiration. “Look how shiny and new it is!”
“Someone find a pencil sharpener,” said Pencil, “I’ve lost my point.”
“At least make some notes,” said one of the new ideas, “I have a lot to say!”
“You’ll need a new book,” said Shopper, already placing an order.
“Can I help?” interrupted Computer.
There was fizzling sound…
“Hello…?” said Pencil, “What just happened?”
“My name is Writer’s Block, and I’m here to hinder!” and everything went quiet.