So what have I learn this week?
I’ve learnt how to do a few more things in adobe editor, playing around with pixels. But I’ve also learnt that when I colour things digitally I don’t like the image as much as if I’ve painted it, so either painting is still the way forward, or I just haven’t learnt how to colour well digitally… yet. Either way it seems I need to take some time out and play with colour.
So it seems I have given myself leave to play, because playing is how we learn, and the more we learn, the more we realise there is learn… So I’m going to be splashing around in watercolour, and sloshing around in pixels – it’s going to be a blast!
It occurs to me that I shouldn’t be sharing the things I’m not so good at, but this is what sharing the journey looks like. The things I’ve already got to grips with are already out there, in the books I’ve already published, from the very first book where I commissioned an artist, through the Doodle series with its black and white line drawing, to the full colour picture books. I’ve used: watercolour, acrylics, gouache and photos along the way, so you see I keep getting distracted by new ways of doing things.