Dear Abyss,
Just thought I’d drop by to pour some more words in, because more words are always needed, words for the story, words to tell people about the story, and words to bring customers into the online bookshop. But pictures are needed too, and they’re what I’ve been working on. The illustrations are taking shape, becoming characters in their own right, and running about in the paint box to add some colour.
And while all that is going on, the festive season is fast approaching, and soon the autumn discount offer will have to make way for Christmas. As well as coming up with seasonal ideas for my Christmas fairs, I’ll be finding ways to bring some of the festive fun into my online bookshop, to add a little something extra to your Christmas shopping. I have some sparkly fabric gift bags to add a little something, and turn a book into a gift, for yourself or someone else, or even both…