Book of average size and build, seeks new home.
Book is very well behaved, but may contain unruly characters…
And what is more unruly than a sheep? Well a flock of sheep springs to mind… because where there’s one sheep, another one is sure to follow.
And talking of sheep springing to mind, because that is where the story began, these little characters have caused a lot of mischief over the years, but also proved to be a best seller!
Everyone it seems loves sheep, and when the characters in the book took the form of knitted characters flocking to book signings with me they threatened to take over, not only the table, but my time leading up to the event, when I would need to knit a restock of sheep. In the end I wrote the pattern, so that people could knit their own sheep. So even that was a sheep distraction, but at least I only had to write the pattern once, and then retire from sheep production.
But the sheep are not even the main characters of the book, though they seem to think they are… Lucy is the main character. Everyone has a Lucy, a child who is not sleepy, and too full of energy to keep still. Everyone has a Lucy, but few will admit that they used to be one, or maybe they just won’t admit it, especially if the current generation of children are listening.
The story takes the premise of counting sheep as an aid to getting to sleep, to a whole new level, resulting in a bedroom full of unruly sheep, and Downboy the sheepdog trying to round them up, and yes, I did end up designing and knitting a sheepdog, but it took too long to knit to be a viable toy to mass produce for my craft fair events.
So these little characters who started as a gimmick to take to book signings, became quite a feature, not only were sheep running around Lucy’s bedroom, they were also taking over my table, and filling my evenings leading up craft fairs. But they did lead to some interesting conversations, from the child in a pushchair calling “Baa” to actual sheep farmers who stopped for a chat…