Writing a best seller – is it something to aim for, or is it something magical that happens?
Readers are fickle creatures who never know what their next favourite thing is, until they read it. So there is no magic formula to writing a best seller; and I would argue that following a formula in writing takes away from the magic of creating something new. I’ve read books that I’ve loved, looked for another by the same author, only to read the same basic story with different characters, a formula has clearly been followed, leading to disappointment for the reader.
My best seller has usually been But I’m Not Sleepy, it seems everyone can relate to this title. The Monster Under The Bed is another title that many can relate to, but are cautious of buying in case the content is scary.
More recently my best seller at book signings has been The Puppy in the Cat Carrier, I put this down to the cute factor, when the main character pops in for a star visit! I have other real life characters, but to have cats and an ex racehorse pay a visit would lead to carnage…
And on that note, I have a work in progress that needs my attention.