Why real life characters are more troublesome than fictional ones…

Not just because they have minds of their own, fictional characters are also guilty of that, especially once they speak and find their voice.
Never work with children or animals – but what happens when you let your animal have children…
Well what happened was, I found myself struggling to get the computer out at all, and so began the kitten diaries, hand written in a notebook that still bears the scars of kitten teeth as they vied for my attention.

They need feeding - my animals, don’t care if my creative muse is in mid flow, if they’re hungry, they’re hungry and that’s all that matters to them. 

They need cleaning up after – kittens make a lot of mess! Which is fine for the first few weeks when the mother cat attends to their every need, but then there’s the point when they escape the kitten box and set out to explore the world, well the house in their case. 

Fights need to be broken up – kittens rolling around play fighting is one thing, but when they’re fully grown these squabbles can turn into a ball of fury. 

Playtime – when the kittens were tiny I soon realised that stopping to play with them, and thus tiring them out ready for sleep, was a far better use of my time than trying to get anything done; although it didn’t escape my notice that if I went out they would just sleep until I returned. 

Cuddles need to be had – of course there has to be time for cuddles, I’m not even going to qualify that…
They need walking – OK I’m no longer talking about kittens, when a tiny puppy came along masquerading as a cat (you’ll just have to read the book – you know, when I’ve written it…) daily walks were added to the to-do-list. 

Rugs need changing – yes, from a cat person I seem to have become very outdoorsy lately, with a horse to bring in and rugs to change, now her book is already written, although I feel a sequel brewing. 

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