As a self published author I have to wear many hats, do all of the tasks, but lately I’ve found that...

Picture of bookshop

Retail activity or procrastination…

As a self published author I have to wear many hats, do all of the tasks, but lately I’ve found that the way to get things done is to concentrate on one thing at a time, getting that one thing launched, so that I can go back to other things. Lately my main focus has been my website, and getting the shop up and running, the intention being to now get back to writing and illustrating. But I seem to have got caught up in creating content for the website, it remains to be seen if this is a sound investment in time, or simply procrastination.

But I always believe in celebrating every achievement, and I have spent a lot of time creating my website and stocking my shop, so maybe I can give myself a bit of time to be an online shop keeper, sitting at my virtual counter and chatting into the abyss, where I know there are at least a few people who would rather be reading one of my books, than scrolling till their thumbs ache.

And on the topic of focusing on one thing at a time, let’s shine the spotlight on Doodle Mayhem, a good place to start as it’s not just one book, but a set of three. They’re just the sort of books to get kids reading by themselves, with fun characters, and outrageous behaviour, there’s nothing like letters getting ripped off the page and thrown at Eric, to grab the attention! Imagine if a doodle came to life and started interacting with things and people around them… well luckily to don’t have to imagine, I already did that, you just have to read the story, and get immersed in Doodle Mayhem… but try not to get your feet wet in chapter 1, and watch out for Iver No-idea sailing his dinghy off the edge of the page and across Eric’s green as grass duvet in chapter 2…   

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