Here is a clear case of needing more words, to tell people about the words that I've already written.
In this case the words are written in fabric, they're big, bold and eye catching.
It's also a bit of a teaser to lure people over to see what my stall is all about, by which point the covers of the books do their part. Like it or not, a book is judged by its cover, it needs to give a potential customer a clear idea of what the book will contain, the title and illustrations working in harmony to make a reader want to find out more...
The next step is to read the blurb on the back, which gives away just enough to make a reader need to find out more, by flipping through the book and ultimately reading the book.
Of course a book signing has added value, a chance for a reader to meet the author and get a personalised signed copy, as well snippets of the story behind the book, and the process of self publishing.