So, I seem to have got your attention, and if my first post didn’t send you running to buy my book, let me try a different angle.
My book has:
· Plot
Mostly me plotting to distract Eric… well he didn’t seem to be getting anywhere before I started ‘helping’.
· Humour
Well I find it amusing at least, that I have the ability to mess up letters, and even throw them. But not only that, I can escape the confines of my book and interact with people and things on the outside…
· Dialogue
Well there’s plenty of that, mostly me having my say, and Eric trying to stop me from saying, well anything really.
· Illustrations
Pictures of me and all the stuff I’m getting up to, all presented as black and white doodles. So not a picture book, but not purely words either, breaking up the page in a fun easy to read way.
· Chapters
Not only do chapters break a book into segments, they also give a sense of achievement to new readers reading a longer book for the first time.
· Me
Ok that enough of the serious stuff, this book has me, and my dog HB, and who doesn’t want to lose themselves in a book with a mischievous character and his dog…?