So I’m wondering, is a blog a good way to get potential readers for my books, or is it becoming a monster that needs constant feeding? 

Don’t look now, but visitors have been coming to my website! And not only that, they’ve been sticking around to view things. This is very exciting, and makes me think that maybe typing into the abyss can sometimes grab attention.

So what does it take to turn some of these visitors who are viewing things, to take the next step and purchase a book?

I suppose the truth is that every aspect of self publishing takes time:

·      Time to do

·      Time to learn how to do well…

And this is the learning curve that I’m currently on. I’ve learnt how to sell books face to face at book signing, and that is a skill in itself; but to learn how to sell books to a faceless buyer who may or may not be listening, is a different skill altogether. And I’m wondering, is a blog a good way to get potential readers for my books, or is it becoming a monster that needs constant feeding?

It seems that determination and stubbornness are the cornerstones of most success, to keep trying, no matter how hard the task, until everything clicks into place.

So if you’ve read this far, even if I haven’t persuaded you to buy a book (yet), maybe you’ll leave a comment, or just tag along to see where this blogs goes.

PS there is still a book brewing, the text is written, but the illustrations are proving troublesome, they’re in that pencil somewhere, I just need to coax them out. 

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