Dear blank page,
Just checking in to see how we’re doing. The shop is up and running, with a popup in place offering a 10% discount off all books. Next my thoughts are turning to Christmas sales, and Christmas fairs, and how to capture the magic of the Christmas fair in an online shop…
Christmas has always been the best time of year for book sales, and coming from a background of always giving and receiving books as Christmas presents, this comes as no surprise. By Christmas Eve each year I usually wish I’d started preparations sooner, September always springs to mind as a good month to start, so here we are in September, let’s make a start!
I have:
· Books
· A good supply of paper bags
· A stamp for branding orders going out
· Sturdy envelopes to safely post orders out
I need:
· Ideas to make an online shop festive
· Maybe some stickers – a little thank you for supporting my shop
· …
But that is just the bookshop side of things, I still have the next book to get back to, it’s been shamefully neglected while I’ve been getting to grips with the website, but I needed that time to play, as a former technophobe, I have come to realise that the way to learn technology, much like most things, is through play. To expect to be able to magically use all the features and widgets, without first exploring them is a recipe for disaster.
So there we have it, the next bit of the journey shared, and plans to get on with.