Fiction is a funny thing, when I wrote the part about Basil bursting through the cat flap and breaking it, I think someone must have been looking over my shoulder, as not long after I’d drawn the pictures, one of my cats burst through our cat flap in exactly the same way as Basil…
The dedication:
Although this book is a work of fiction, it was inspired by and dedicated to, all my cats, past and present, who are an inspiration and distraction in equal measure.
The blurb:
The door had always worked perfectly well, until the day that Mr Feed-Me cut a hole in it and fitted a flappy thing. Then the door stopped working and everyone started acting a bit crazy… Mr Feed-Me was on the floor using it as a window. Mrs Feed-Me kept calling to Basil through it instead of opening the door, and Small Feed-Me tried to post Basil through it like a letter through a letter box.
Then one stormy night Basil found that he had a use for the flappy thing after all.