• The art of taking your books out into the world…
At first this can seem scary after all the months or even years of hiding away in a world of your own imagination.
• To know when to talk to people…
Some people like to be greeted, others will look terrified and make a hasty exit away from the scary author who should have been seen and not heard.
• Create an eye catching display…
Book stands are great for raising books up to be seen from across a room, but have some flat on the table as well, I find that people prefer to pick up the books from a pile on the table.
• Pens…
Have more than one pen at the ready for signing books, just in case one of them decides not to cooperate at just the wrong moment.
• Bags…
Unless you’re in a shop that is taking care of this for you, you will need some bags at the ready, paper bags are best so that you’re not adding to the plastic problem.
• Payment…
Have a float at the ready for giving change. Card readers are being increasingly used at craft fairs; some are more reliable than others.
• Business cads…
A business card or book mark
with a website address is a must, to hand out for future use, to people not ready to buy on the day, or to put in with a book so that readers can find your other books for future purchases.
• Try not to hide…
Try not to hide behind your books!! Tempting as that may seem…