I’ve submitted my latest story to a literary agent, my story for once, has gone off on its own without illustrations, the characters revealing themselves by words alone.
After self publishing ten books, and doing literally everything except printing and binding the books, I would like to come in out of the cold and have an agent on my side to sell my book to a traditional publisher.
At some point a book needs to be sold, either to a publisher, a shop, online sales, or direct to a reader. I sell most books face to face at book signings, and have done well over the years, taking my books to:
· Craft fairs
· Christmas fairs
· Book shops
· A swimming pool gala (that one opened a door to a big book shop; you never know who you’re going to meet).
· I’ve sold books in the dentist’s chair,
· Books while swimming,
· Books at the library – which is harder than you might think, as people go to libraries to borrow books, not buy them.
· I’ve even opened a new school library, cut the ribbon and read my books to the children in the new library.
But all this takes a lot of time, marketing being the main hurdle.
…and so I wait, but the paint box is calling, the characters itching to splash into colour.